
Sunday, January 14, 2024

Who is Jakub Bielamowicz, Serb-hater on duty

Sunday, January 14, 2024 | Уреднички колегијум 0

Who is Jakub Bielamowicz, Serb-hater on duty

The creator of informative content on Twitter (now the X network) reveals who is a Polish  activist Jakub Bielamowicz with a brilliant analysis

The creator of informative content on Twitter (now the X network) reveals who is a Polish  activist Jakub Bielamowicz with a brilliant analysis

By Aleksandar Sasha Jovicic

It’s time for us to document the favorite Serb-hater @KubaBielamowicz aka Kuba’s verbal vomit. We’ll it the NGO Shill’s Fascinating Articulating Revolutionary Thesaurus Guide. (NGO Shill’s FART Guide). We will first reveal the technique then we will describe the angle, then we’ll teach you some words you can use and sound like…super concerned about something that you get paid to illegally lobby for. Joining me will be Doctor @Imgaygunther let’s rock.

Kubičko works at @UBS bank, apparently but he comes from a steady line of “diplomatic”, “democratic”, left-wing NGOs and other governmental agencies from the US to Poland to Vienna. Basically, he’s a paid left wing lunatic. Pardon, diplomatic officer.

@UBS What is most important though, is that he’s a WEF brainchild (so a demonic left wing banking cartel globalist) with a bone to pick with Serbs. We assume a handsome Serbian boy broke his heart. Heresay.

@UBS Somewhere along the line, @KubaBielamowicz started getting interested in favoring dead Albanian terrorists, and started supporting the Albanian cause, righteously. He would begin regularly praising murders and murderers and started treating Serbia as his own personal vengeance.

Which brings us to today. Kubičko, along with his KosovaLive support team uses big, scary words to describe big, scary Serbs. His words are designed to be effective as he leads the way along with his army of Twitter bots who regularly post the same exact info with the same exact “moral outrage” expressions. (More on that shortly).

@UBS @KubaBielamowicz Now, when you see Kuba post, you’ll notice a pattern which closely mirrors the passive-aggressive tone of another KosovaLive agent @admirim

@UBS @KubaBielamowicz @admirim Admirim Luboteni, pictured below runs two social media propaganda agencies SociaLive/KosovaLive, both funded by British NGOs with the intent of controlling the public opinion in Kosovo (in favor of Albanian interests) by engaging in 4 core activities:

1) Make everything BREAKING NEWS
2) Use disparaging tones and words whenever mentioning Serbia, Russia, Hungary or any other non-Albanian aligned cheerleaders.
3) Claim all posts as evident truths and do not engage the comments to appear impartial
4) Make sure to invoke some sort of negative emotion or positive outbursts (depending on the needed outcome)

Now, our pal (Propaganda agency and its agents) Admirim began posting the same sentiments and same angles of occurrences in Serbia and Kosovo roughly back in 2018/2019, and our pal Kubicko took on the role of a fake moralist (but he’s a banker with WEF in real life), replete with fake outrage and fake moral lessons for the nasty Serbs.

Here are some training points which Admirim and his KosovaLive Propaganda team taught at their last digital conference in Priština:

December 20th, 2021:

Training on "Digital Information Verification" with Admirim Luboteni was held for the third time.

During this training participants had the opportunity to learn important information and skills that will help them identify and monitor disinformation and its sources.

The new information that participants received during this training was among other things:

1. The content produced on the Internet within 1 second is 100 times more voluminous than the content of the largest bookstore in the world.

2. According to a MIT study, on average, a false story reaches 1,500 people six times faster than a factual story.

3. Disinformation that contains a dose of truth, which is then distorted, can be more influential than those completely made up.

The project “Strengthening Independent Media and Promoting the Security of Journalists in Kosovo” is funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Commonwealth and Development of the United Kingdom through the British "Embassy" in Pristina and Albany Associates.

Now this is where it gets wild: Admirim Luboteni’s funding comes from UBS-backed VC firms which then fund the related NGOs through the British Embassy in Priština and Admirim and his SociaLive/KosovaLive Propaganda Team REGULARLY teach the digital version of Srdja Popovic’s OTPOR color revolutions. What’s mad is that he teaches it to SERBIAN NGOs such as the “Together in Europe Project” by CMV (Centar Modernih Veština) which is another NGO funded by Soroš and the British Embassy…in Belgrade. More on this here:


@UBS @KubaBielamowicz @admirim And here’s the English version of that story where Admirim and team teach young Social Democrats (read Marxist leftists) in Serbia how to fight online for their cause via this NGO-backed tactic.

So let’s take a break here and let’s go back to the system and summarize:

British Embassy in Belgrade and Pristina support the UBS-funded grants and NGOs which then teach social media tactics for propagation of controlled content to favor the poster, all organized, strategically, funded and executed by a team of folks across the world, while pushing down any vocal opinion which differs from the original narrative (which may or may not be true nor fair, but is done with INTENT to control the narrative). Sounds nefarious, because, why would anyone need to do that? Especially a conflicted, disputed piece of land called Kosovo i Metohija. And why would anyone need to do such a thing, especially a team of people, from bankers, to social media experts, to politicians to paid lobbyists to simple “moral warriors who want the bad Serbs to pay”. Hitler had a director of propaganda too. So let’s dig deeper.

@UBS @KubaBielamowicz @admirim Admirim posts about something. Kuba repeats with his own spin (but same angle and same pro-Albanian tone). Today’s example.

@UBS @KubaBielamowicz @admirim Two days ago; same content, one neutral tone from Admirim, one fake outrage added for effect by Kuba.

With the help of our AI tools, my analytics team analyzed the behavior and topics of these two accounts for the last 6 months only to find this; the tonality, topics and skewed angles all match at 78% using a mechanism called “Sentiment Analysis”. More on that can be read here:


So what does that mean for you all:

1) the team from @admirim /SociaLive/KosovaLive are fed government-level news before the news agencies get them (which is something Admirim teaches to other NGOs) using tactics and tonalities which he also teaches at his Digital conferences with his team

2) the team is pro-Albanian with a negative skew and sentiment analysis of any Serbian mention in Kosovo (even though Serbs are an ethnic minority in Kosovo i Metohija, you’re saying there’s NEVER any good news by Serbs or for Serbs in Kosovo i Metohija????)

3) Kuba is the foreign factor which is a big bad government affairs banker who duplicates the content points of Admirim’s PR propaganda but adds a fake moral outrage when anything Serbian-related is discussed, but more importantly, he (they/them) is hell-bent on every conversation being steered away from any positive angle for any Serb.

And all of this openly funded by the British Embassy and Albany Associates. Which brings me to our next part of the story:

Who the hell is Albany Associates and why do the train some Admirim guy and his NGO PR propaganda team against Serbs in Kosovo i Metohija? All the while supported by the British Embassies and UBS/Soroš/WEF funds?

Why would the British Embassies want such a system where only negative Serb propaganda is seen and only pro-Albanian propaganda is heard, along with “trusted, powerful global champions of the Albanian cause”???

Who the hell is Lord Black? What does he want in Kosovo and Serbia? Who is paying these activities? Why do they control 100s of millions of British pounds and funding via UBS to Priština’s Propaganda NGOs? How can they control Development Aid fund from the EU when they’ve “Brexited” the EU?

Well, we’ll deal with all that soon. I promise. But here’s the point of this entire breakdown story:

There are sinister profiles which masquerade themselves as virtuous, moral defenders of the Albanian cause (namely in Kosovo i Metohija, but also the “democratic support for the people of Serbia”) and all of it masked behind layers of British operatives, agencies, Swiss and Polish bankers, executors, social media nerds, content experts and Twitter reach amplifiers, layered under a line of reposting mechanisms and machines while being fed the news which no one could possibly hear about that fast.

That’s not some bizarre script, that’s called an organized, illegal, nefarious and highly-negligent and maligned propaganda approach to controlling the narrative against Serbs and Serbian wellbeing.

So next time you see some random Polish truth fighter named Kuba post about “genocidal, kremlin-aligned, secessionist, shocking, outrageous, communist, extremist, radical, atrocious, alarming, pro-Russian” Serbs, know full well you’re being caught in a web of deceit and lies, organized and paid for by people with the title of Lords and Sirs, executed by the low-level shills with fake moral compasses.

That’s the real story.

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